Creating Case Automatically From "Forwarded Email" Using Email to Case in Microsoft Dynamics CRM

Work365 Email to Case Automation solution provides a very advanced level functionality for automated email to case creation as compared to the out-of-box that is available in CRM. For more details refer my earlier blog – Email to Case – limitations and comparison with Work 365 solution.
We have observed that customers occasionally send emails directly to the support in-charge (eg rather than to the support queue (eg. that has been set up.
The simplest and the most obvious way I follow is to forward this email to the support queue ( However, the Customer for the ticket is set as me (rather than the original sender who had requested support). Also, the auto-response with the new case creation id comes in my email.
Wouldn’t it be nice if CRM could simplify this process… such as if I forward this email to support, CRM will know to create the ticket from original sender and behave exactly in the same manner as it would have as when received email directly…
This is what we have added in the new release (version 5.7) of Work 365 Email2Case solution – Automatic case creation from forwarded email.
Automatic Case creation from forwarded email feature allows CRM users to redirect the emails which they received in their individual mailboxes to the support queue and have new cases created automatically. The feature links forwarded messages to the original sender instead of the person who forwarded the email. Simply prefix the subject of the email with a marker like “#” to indicate that you want Email2Case to process this email using “Case from forwarded email” feature. Further, it is also possible to set the owner of the case to the desired CRM User using a macro in the email subject.
The below screenshot shows the process of forwarding the email to support queue for automatic case creation using “Case from forwarded email” feature:
The below screenshot shows the resulting case created with the fields auto-populated by Work 365 Email2Case solution:
Here following fields have been populated in newly created case:


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