
Showing posts from September, 2017

Few Tools and Techniques to Reduce Dynamics 365 Cloud Migration Effort (on-premise to online)

Data migration can be challenging for multiple reasons – it takes t ime and effort to migrate  and  data  storage   costs more in the cloud   o r  you  have to  pay for exactly what you use.  Storage costs for Dynamics 365 online are $5GB/month. Storage costs per GB of data have been reduced since the release of Dynamics 365, however, it ’ s still quota based  - y ou purchase a certain amount of data and you are entitled to use up to that limit. Microsoft sends you warnings and notifications as you approach these thresholds. We  ha ve  recently  released the  Work 365   Attachment Manager  application  to alleviate some of these data management issues in Dynamics 365 . The Attachment  M anager  app  moves documents and attachments from  Dynamics 365  into the Azure cloud and provides a link back into those records. Using the Attachment Manager  to move the bulky space - consuming attachments  prior to  any  cloud migration project can significantly reduce your data foot print, makin